2Rcube SAS
Social capital : 2 000 €
RCS Vienne 888 043 536
TVA FR 12 888 043 536
APE : 6810Z
SIRET : 888 043 536 00018
Web Hosting
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix.
The following terms of use are applicable to the website This website is designed for an international audience.
Guarantees and responsibilities
2Rcube endeavors to assure at best that the information at your disposal through the website is accurate and updated. However 2Rcube does not guarantee in any way that the information are accurate, complete and updated. 2Rcube does not insure any tacit or expressed guarantee regarding the whole or a part of the website.
The website is a company presentation site.
2Rcube could never be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages, whatever the cause, origin or nature and consequence, ensued from the consult or use of the website. In particular, 2Rcube accepts no responsibility in case of an interruption or the inability to access the website, bugs, and any other damages arising from the fraudulent actions of third party from the website.
Privacy policy – Personal data
All personal data collected on the site are treated with the strictest confidentiality. We remind you that you have a right of access, modification, correction and suppression of the data which concern you (art. 34 of the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978).
To exercise this right, please contact us.
23 rue du Creuzat
ZAC St Hubert
Intellectual property and right
The website is hosted by the company 2Rcube. The website is an intellectual creation and is under the intellectual property laws. The whole website and each of its components (texts, schemas, software, codes, photos, drawings, logos, brands and models) are the property of 2Rcube, which is the only one empowered to use the relevant intellectual property rights.
The previous terms are stated according to the French right and in particular the measures of the law n°2004-575 of the 21st June 2004 for the trust in the digital economy and the law n°78-17 of the 6t January 1978 modified by the law n°2004-801 of the 6th August 2004 IT and Freedom. The jurisdictions Vaulx-Milieu have the ability to know all the disputes regarding the website.